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"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear ..."



Eine Klasse für Delphi, welche den einfachen und komfortablen Zugriff auf eine MySQL-Datenbank erlaubt.
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Pilottest - a little mouse-ability-game

Inspired by the famous pilot test I created a little clone of it.

Enter the testing area

Syobon Action "4"

Inspired by the famous "Syobon Action" games (and friends ) I decided to make my own interpretation of this wonderfull jump and run game.

Have a look

"Syobon Action hates you. You will find this out the hard way: every jump, platform, mushroom, pipe... even the cloud in the background is out there to kill you. In time, you will hate Syobon Action." (PlayThisThing)




[31.01.2014] Forum in Beta Version online gestellt

[28.11.2013] Syobon Online Leaderboard in die Alpha Phase gestartet

[14.11.2012] Projektbeschreibung aktualisiert

[23.04.2012] Syobon Action 4 unter Projekte hinzugefügt